Friday, May 3, 2024

Friday Favourites


On Monday I was craving a nice cookie so I set out after I ate my lunch to see what I could find.  This one from Maman in First Canadian Place hit the spot. It had chocolate, pretzels, and caramel.

We are enjoying the evening sunlight and have gotten out to play after supper.  The boys played hockey with some neighbours and Q and I threw the ball around on Wednesday.

Q was very successful with his reading this month and filled in his reading journal on both sides of this paper.  He kept up with it all month and then got a certificate from his teacher saying he is doing a good job!

Speaking of good work, E finished reading the Harry Potter series this week! Now we get to watch the final two movies.  It's been awhile for me so I can barely remember what happens.

And to celebrate my own success, I worked out everyday in April, and am continuing into May so far.  A little breakdown of what I did:
Bikes - 13
Bike Bootcamps - 3
Weights - 16
Pilates/Barre - 8
Stretching - 4
(I really need to incorporate more stretching!)

It's new glove time which means a variety of ways to break it in.  This is a vise clamp on top of the glove.

A favourite after dinner treat is cinnamon toast.  Both boys wanted some this week.

E went with crazy eyes...

...and then blue steel.

I love the Handful snacks.  They are a bit pricey but fortunately my office provides a few different versions. These are my two favourites. 

Our weekend has a lot on the docket but there is also rain in the forecast so we will see what we actually end up doing.  

Have a great weekend.

Linking up with Andrea and Erika.


  1. That cookie looks incredible. Way to go E; I think we've now watched the Harry Potter movies and read the books so many times over in this house that I might even be able to quote huge sections of them by heart. It's such a fun series.

  2. That cookie looks so good. Yum! Yum!
    It sounds like you are really enjoying the lighter evenings. What fun for the boys.
    Well done for working out every day in April!

  3. Congratulations to Q on doing so well with his reading! I noticed he reads French, wow!! The cinnamon toast looks delicious and it's been years since I've had any, so after seeing your pics that's about to change real soon!
