Monday, November 6, 2023

Halloween Recap

Halloween is always a fun time.

We carved our pumpkins last Monday night.  I just got two this year and decided not to do any stencils. Instead the kids designed their own.  E carved his own, and I carved Q's design.

This was Q's design - toothy face, with bats to the upper left, and two grave stones with scary faces to the right.

Did I do okay?!

This was E's design with some great big eyes.

E was a lumberjack, but then decided to add some "blood" to his ax.

Bo Bichette, Q's favourite Blue Jay.

Ready for school.

For many years, I have made baked chicken tacos as our Halloween traditional meal, but without our oven I had to pivot to pasta and meatballs.  E actually ate at a friend's house and then came home with that friend and another one to trick or treat with Q.

A few of the neighbour boys and guests.

Our kids did our street together, then E took off with his friends while Dave and Q continued around our neighbourhood.

Because we are in the basement, I put the pumpkins on the driveway, lights on our dumpster to indicate we were still giving out candy, and put a sign on the front steps that said "Come to the side door...if you dare". I'm sure a few people skipped our house but we got about 35 trick or treaters, which is similar to last year.

When the kids got home, we sorted through their candy, watched a bit of Ghostbusters and tried not to stay up too late!


  1. Love seeing all the neighborhood kids in their costumes. It sounds like a wonderful Halloween.
