Friday, July 14, 2023

Friday Favourites


It was a sports filled week for us. 

I golfed twice including on Tuesday when we teed off in the rain.  We were some of the few hearty ones out there!  And then it cleared up on Hole 5 so it wasn't that bad after all.

Q had soccer (with Coach Dad) on Monday and then we watched a tball game so Q could pick up some tips for his first real game on the weekend. 

Tball practice on Wednesday (with Coach Mom this time).  The kids are learning so much, the game on Saturday should be interesting.

 I happened to be on the 62nd floor of First Canadian Place yesterday and I could not resist taking this photo of the view.  What a city!

I will be picking up E from camp tomorrow, looking at the camp's Instagram, it looks like E is now modelling part time.

Check out my posts from earlier this week:

Linking up with Andrea and Erika


  1. Hahaha how cute is that modeling picture! I love the view from the top of that building-- wow!

    Lauren @ Don't Mind Our Mess

  2. That is a beautiful city view! I hope he had the best time at camp.

  3. The city view is beautiful. I love seeing cities from other countries. It sure was a sporty weekend for you guys and the pic of E and his friend is so cute! I bet you can’t wait to pick him up and hear about all his adventures.

  4. All of the sport sounds like a lot of fun. That view from the 62nd floor looks amazing!
