Sunday, July 27, 2014


Thank you for visiting my blog.  This blog has been an idea growing for a long time.  I've been a faithful reader of a few blogs for a couple of years now, and I thought that this would be something I could do that would nurture my creative side.  I've never thought of myself as very "creative" but I've heard so many things recently about doing things outside your normal habits to encourage creativity and will spill over into other aspects of your life.  I like to write but have never had a reason to do so.  I welcome you into my life, my thoughts, my interests, and some photos.  It is not strictly a mommy blog, a foodie blog, or a travel blog, although it will contain elements of all of those.  It will be a work in progress as I learn more about the blogging world, but I hope it is something you will enjoy.

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