Onto the second half of our ski trip to Quebec last week for March Break.
We were up early on Tuesday to drive to Vermont. Jay Peak is right across the border and only an hour from where we were staying and after hearing so much about it, we thought we would check it out. Unfortunately the friends we were travelling with forgot their passports so they checked out Owl's Head instead. We did see our other friends at Jay but didn't get a chance to do any runs with them.
The snow was coming down as we got ready to go, but the roads were clear.

It was so snowy at Jay Peak!
We took the tram up to the top and got someone to take our photo. Some guys saw Q with his Pikachu and then saw him take off down the hill, they said "that kid is such a vibe", high praise from the "young people".
There was so much snow, it was so different for us Southern Ontario skiers, and we were all challenged by the conditions. Plus we were skiing in a blizzard so we were colder than we had been the previous days. Q was not pleased that he kept falling and his hands were cold. We only made it two (long) runs before we called it for lunch.
Q was much happier when we got inside and he got a hot chocolate.
After lunch we bundled ourselves up a bit better, got out our hand warmers, and got back out there. Ultimately it was a pretty amazing day going through the big drifts of snow.
E went off the side of the trail and ended up like this!
This was the clearest we saw of the peak all day.
Stopped back into the bar to thaw ourselves out before heading home.
Hot tub time when we got back.
Our next day we took it easy in the morning. A later wake up time, no need to rush out of the house, with plans for night skiing instead.
I made pancakes while the kids had some iPad time.
It was still snowing and the power went out for a bit. We kicked the kids out of the house to play.
And although our legs were still hurting from the day before, we kept our plans to do night skiing at Bromont. My legs loosened up as we went, and it was a pretty great night.
We started skiing at 3:00 and took a break around 5:30.
And look who we saw! These are stills from the Go Pro.
We skied until 8:00 or so and then ordered some pizza for pick up.
Our last day for skiing on Thursday. We decided to head back to Bromont. What we like about it, besides the fact that it is 10 minutes from our chalet, was that the kids have a lot of fun choosing the little side trails for added obstacles and jumps, while the rest of us can stick with reliably green or blue runs.
We started out with a bright blue day with fresh snow from the day before and perfect conditions. Then after lunch the snow started and it was quite blizzardy. We still skied for most of the day until 4:00 but we weren't keen to stay much longer.
Heading into the glades again.
We were just a little late to do the Grizzly trail again before they closed that lift for the night.
Then some hot tub time before our dinner reservation.
Played some crib.
Cheers to a successful week!
On Friday morning we packed up and hit the road. It was nice to get home on Friday afternoon and still have two days before having to go back to work and school. It was our first Saturday and Sunday in months that we didn't have to go anywhere.
After two years of skiing in the Eastern Townships, I think we are ready to move on to something different. Dave has visions of heading out west next year, so we'll see. I find by the time March Break rolls around I'm a little skiing fatigued after being at the hill every weekend for at least 8 weeks previously. I'd like to do a warmer vacation for March Break and hit up a ski hill earlier in the season. Ultimately this was a very successful trip and it was great to spend so much time with the kids and our friends. (and by spending time with the kids, I mean yelling at them to wait for meeeeeee!!! They are too fast! Haha)