Linking up with
Shay and
Sheaffer for What's up Wednesdays. I love this link up idea because it is a nice recap of our month.
What we're eating this week...
Monday - fish tacos
Wednesday - Macaroni and Cheese
Friday - leftovers
What I'm reminiscing about...
When the weather warms up I always think about summer in Halifax when we were done university, but people hadn't started their full time jobs yet. I worked at a
restaurant and since it wasn't that hot out yet, I would only have a few shifts a week in May. I used to go for a run, shop, read, and then go out at night. One of our favourite spots was the Split Crow on Thursday nights. Draft beer was $1.25 (or 3 for $5).
What I'm loving...
Bloodline. This is a great show, we have only three episodes left. Can't wait to see what happens. Basically what I've learned so far is that I want to live in the Florida Keys. Then we'll have to find something else to watch. The Wire seems to be high on everyone's recommendation list.
What we've been up to...
Trying to whip our yard into shape. We have a weird lot that is a reverse ravine. When the previous owners dug out the basement they dumped a lot of the dirt into the backyard. Someday we will properly landscape it but right now it's like a sand pit. We're just trying to make it look somewhat presentable with some flowers.
What I'm dreading...
Remembering to water our plants. As I've said before, I am not a good gardener and watering plants isn't high on our priority list. Dave is going to set up an automatic watering system for some of our plants but we will still need to remember about the rest of them.
What I'm working on...
Cleaning up odds and ends. I had a busy May at work but not big projects, just a bunch of little things. I want to get them as complete as possible so I can bill for the work!
What I'm excited about...
Going to Prince Edward Island next month. Dave is going for a golf trip and I am going to tag along to visit my friend (who was also my maid of honour). E is going to stay with Dave's parents. One of the things I'm looking forward to the most is being at the airport and on the plane without a child!
This is us in Vegas, but I'm hoping we can still find some mojitos on the Island
What I'm watching/reading...
I finished A House in the Sky by Amanda Lindhout. Our book club is tonight and usually I do a whole post about our selection, but instead I'm doing this post. I will say that I liked reading the book, it was a quick read and very interesting. This book is about a Canadian journalist who was kidnapped in Somalia with her Australian companion and they were held for over a year. I definitely had sympathy for her but I also questioned her decision to travel to Somalia when it was so dangerous. Usually, I am in full support of people who travel to other parts of the world to do important work, even when they run into trouble. My thought is that even though I would never do that (report on war zones, provide medical care in troubled areas, help rebuild countries, etc.), I am happy that there are people out there that do those things, and we should help them. In this situation, Amanda was a serial traveller, you know the type, the ones that are set on racking up countries visited, with bonus points for Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc. Although she was a journalist of sorts, I think her motivations were more for crossing another dangerous country off her list, rather than providing actual value as a journalist. Just my thought, but still a good book.

And on a completely different note, I'm also watching The Bachelorette, of course! #teamkaitlyn
What I'm listening to...
I said last week that I wanted to listen to more singer-songwriter music. I do try to tune into CBC Radio 2 for their morning and afternoon programs, I usually just head for Kiss 92.5 so I can get my fill of songs that I can sing along to.
What I'm wearing...
Bracelets. I know you can wear bracelets in the winter too, but now that I have more bare arms, I like to wear bangles and other bracelets.
This selection ranges from Stella & Dot, Old Navy,
House of Moda, to the Black Market in Halifax.
What I'm doing this weekend...
Dave is riding in the
Becel Ride for Heart bike ride on Sunday. He is doing the 75K. It starts at 6am so although we won't be there to send him off, we will be at the finish line to cheer him on. Then on Sunday night we are going to a neighbour's for a BBQ and I am going to take
this salad:
What I'm looking forward to next month...
My birthday, PEI, camping at Sandbanks, my mom's visit, and golfing
What else is new...
E is enjoying soccer and helping us in the garden.
What is your favorite thing to grill in June?
Beer butt chicken. It is so easy and good. It is always a crowd pleaser. I just make a spice rub and put it all over the whole chicken. Then take a can of beer, drink a bit of it since you don't want it too full, and put the chicken over the top and arrange it so it is standing up. It is important to cook the chicken on a pie plate or tin foil otherwise the BBQ flames will set it on fire (this has happened to me a couple of times). It takes about an hour on the grill. So yummy.
My spice rub recipe: 1 tbsp salt, 1 tbsp paprika, 2 tsp crushed black pepper, 2 tsp onion powder, 1 tsp garlic powder, 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper.
Thanks for stopping by!