What we're eating this week...
Sunday -
Lamb Kebabs (using our fresh mint and parsley)
Monday - Korean short ribs, corn, and rice
Wednesday - Market treats
Thursday - Order
Friday and Saturday - We will be in Nova Scotia!
What I'm reminiscing about...
Our Google Home shows us photos all the time and this week I saw the photos from 11 years ago when we were in Manion Lake for a family reunion and a baby shower for me. And then 5 years ago, we were in Nova Scotia for my uncle's funeral. So I have been thinking about these times shared with lots of loved ones.
What I'm loving...
Sitting outside in the mornings when I'm working from home. I like to take advantage of the warm sunny weather when I can, knowing the summer is only so long! Sometimes people ask if this is a real background.
What we've been up to...
The kids are at camp again this week, Q is back at gymnastics camp, and E is doing golf camp. When we get back from Nova Scotia the remaining camps have lunch provided so this is my last week of making lunches! (Until September....)
What I'm dreading...
I have full faith our air travel to and from Nova Scotia will be delay and stress free, but deep down, I am apprehensive of the airport in Toronto and our connection back home through Montreal, and that our bags will stay with us.
What I'm working on...
Getting our stuff ready to go to Nova Scotia. It seems our packing list will be relatively similar to what we packed for Jamaica - bathing suits, shorts, t-shirts, sandals, and hats. This time we need clothes for the evening fire and if there is a chance of rain. The only difference is that we'll be near stores so we can always pick up anything we are missing.
What I'm excited about...
I'm really excited that I get to go to Miami for work in a couple of weeks. I'll only be there for two nights and in an all day meeting, but if I can get a Cuban sandwich somewhere and walk on the beach, I'll be happy!
What I'm wearing....
I'm "wearing" the new stuff I bought for my face. I have been pretty good at putting it on twice a day. I really don't notice a difference but it feels nice to do a little "self care". I wash my face with the cleanser once a day, then apply the Vitamin C serum and the eye cream twice a day, finished off Kiehls moisturizer.
What I'm watching/reading...
Stranger Things, Great British Baking Show, Amazing Race Canada, The Terminal.
I did a review of my July books
on Monday. Now I'm reading Fight Club by Miriam Toews.
What I'm listening to...
This week I've been leaning towards some party hits from the 1990s to the 2010s.
What I'm doing this weekend...
Heading to Nova Scotia for our summer holidays.
This is from the last time we were there in 2018.
What I'm looking forward to next month...
Visiting with family (Dave's parents, my mom, and cousins in Cape Breton, my dad and his wife in Toronto), a work trip to Miami, hopefully some golf, camping with friends, and wrapping up summer stuff
What else is new...
We got our driveway back! By no means is the construction on our street finished, but at least the part at the end of our driveway is done (for now) so the fences are gone and we can park. Thrilling stuff over here!
I think I've sufficiently introduced these goals into my routine so I don't know if I need to keep reporting on them.