What we're eating this week:
Sunday - Steak, Mushrooms, Baked Potatoes with toppings (it was like being at The Keg!)
Monday - Shell Pasta with peas, pancetta, and mint
Tuesday - Red Lentil Curry with rice and mango chutney (Oh She Glows for Dinner recipe)
Wednesday - Turkey Burgers
Thursday - Order
Friday - Sausages and Pasta Salad
Saturday - nothing planned yet
What I'm reminiscing about...
Now that we are doing school at home again, I can't even remember how we did it last year at this time. Q wasn't in school and E didn't have a regular school day schedule so I'm not sure how we organized our day, but I suppose it wasn't organized at all. It's a hazy memory, sort of like those days when you first bring your baby home from the hospital. I'm happy I have this blog so I can go back and see what we were up to during this "unprecedented times", which I think now, more than a year in, we can now say are "precedented", haha.
Last year, doing local walks.
What I'm loving...
I bought the case of Fever Tree tonic water at Costco last week for some gin and tonics. It doesn't quite feel warm enough yet, but they are so refreshing in the hot sun.
What we've been up to...
Dave picked up a golf net for our backyard so we can hit balls into it like at the driving range. We set it up last weekend and will even get use out of it when golf courses open back up (whenever that will be).
What I'm dreading...
Another summer without summer camps and summer sports. Although we are registered for all of these things, I don't feel like many of them will be able to operate (or at least not as they would like to). I know the kids are resilient and don't even really know what they are missing out on, but they really are missing so many opportunities for fun things to do. One summer of interrupted fun was enough, and now we are facing another one.
What I'm working on...
Organizing my time between all of the things - trying to help Q (and to a lesser extend E) with school while answering emails and phone calls throughout the day. I don't have long periods of time where I can sit at my desk until 2:00 when Q is done school for the day and I let him just watch TV. We have had a few urgent things come up at work lately that require some thought and lots of phone calls.
What I'm excited about...
Right now, the only thing I can think of is getting vaccines out to everyone. Dave tells me numbers of how many vaccines were distributed on a daily basis, and honestly the numbers go in one ear and out the other (I have told him this), but all I want is for as many people as possible to get the vaccine and as quickly as possible. I know Canada has its challenges in getting supply but it is slowly coming in and I sure hope it can ramp up. Partly I am being selfish because I want the kids to go back to school, to travel, to eat at restaurants, and have some of our regular routines return, but really it's knowing that the variants are more serious in the young people (who aren't eligible for vaccines yet), then I just want everyone to get them now!
What I'm wearing...
Still the same old clothes I've been wearing for a year, but I did get my summer clothes out the other day so hopefully it will be warm enough for shorts and skirts soon. I organized my drawers again, as I do when I switch my clothes around. I may even get some jewellery out at some point now that it won't be covered by jackets, hats, and scarves.
What I'm watching/reading...
We are watching the new episodes of Island of Bryan, will start Handmaid's Tale tonight, and re-watching Ted Lasso. We are also watching the new Mighty Ducks show on Disney+ with E. If you have Apple TV, check out The Year the World Changed, narrated by David Attenborough. It's how nature has benefitted from all of the humans being locked down over this past year. It gives one hope that perhaps this wasn't all for nothing.
I posted about my April books on Monday. Now I'm not sure what to read, still waiting for a few library holds, but I think I have a few books a friend gave me last year so I'll pick up those for now.
What I'm listening to...
Nothing special lately, just my usual podcasts (The Daily and The Bridge) and playlists (Funk and Soul, '90s hits, instrumental). I have been enjoying the birds in our yard. I hear a cardinal and I have to stop and try to find it in the trees. I'm obsessed.
What I'm doing this weekend...
I guess it goes without saying that we have no plans, so we will probably hit golf balls in the backyard, watch the Blue Jays on our outdoor screen, and do some cleaning. I'd also like to put away the winter stuff in the front closet, finally!
What I'm looking forward to next month...
Gosh, I don't know. Although the current lockdown is scheduled to end midway through the month, I am not sure much will actually change here in Toronto. So I'll say what I said last month "warmer weather, hopefully better news about the vaccine rollout for Canada". It is also Mother's Day and Dave's and my wedding anniversary.
What else is new...
This is sort of "old news" but Dave and I have our first shot of the Astra Zeneca vaccine, thank goodness! We will get our second one in August. It is a relief to get the first dose and makes me feel much better (even though we are still following all of the lockdown and public health rules and will be doing so for the immediate future).
Linking up with Shay today!