Wednesday, January 22, 2025


I’m copying Peter Mansbridge’s prompt for this week - he has asked the listeners to his podcast “The Bridge” to write in with what makes them happy.  It has felt a bit heavy lately with the fires in LA, the inauguration of Donald Trump, the resignation of Justin Trudeau, and the general dark and cold of January.  I probably won’t write into the podcast this week, but wanted to do my own post about things that are currently bringing joy:

Going skiing - we are so fortunate to go, and the boys are such great skiers now. 

Having a trip to plan - Looking forward to travelling to Paris in the springtime (cue the song!)

Drinks with friends - whether it’s a beer or coffee, it’s so nice to connect with people 

Cooking - I made pasta e fagioli last night, using Stanley Tucci’s recipe, it’s such a comforting meal.

Listening to the boys practice their music - E is learning Glycerine on the guitar, as per my request, so neat to hear him play it.

Putting on cream - with my skin so dry, it feels nice to slather on some moisturizer


  1. These are fabulous things that make you happy! I'm struggling a bit this week with the super cold temps and feeling trapped inside but I'm trying to embrace the quiet, read some books, and I started a new puzzle I'm really loving.

  2. Yes, this past week especially has needed some happy. Comfort food and putting on lotion are great things to be happy about! (I know because I've done both of those things today! Hahaha!!!)
