Friday, July 7, 2017

Friday Favourites

Linking up with AndreaErika, and Narci for Friday Favourites.

E didn't have any camps this week so he has been home with Q and me.  We have spent the mornings watching Wimbledon and the Tour de France, but then have found something to do in the afternoons.  Here are some favourite moments from this week:

Monday - we went to the playground near our house.  Q enjoyed playing in the sandbox.  Even with the age difference between E and Q, they are starting to play together, as much as a 9 month old can play with someone else ;)

In the afternoon, Dave went golfing, so after Q's nap, I thought we could go to the splash pad and playground at High Park.  Silly me, holiday Monday, mid afternoon at High Park, no chance for a parking spot.   So instead we went to the splash pad by the water (Sir Casimir Gzowski Park).  E played on the playground for awhile and then I called him over from some peanut butter on crackers, hence his face in this photo.   We got fish and chips on the way home for an easy supper.

Tuesday -  We went to one of our favourite parks, Marie Curtis, to meet with some friends to play and have a picnic lunch.  It was a beautiful day.   Splash pad time, a tea party, and a stop at Tim Horton's on the way home.

Before supper we took a quick trip to the library so pick out some new books.  E has joined the TD Summer Reading Club through the Toronto Libraries.  He is supposed to read 12 books, he's done one so far so we got to tell the librarian about the book and he got a sticker. 

Wednesday - I needed to get some food for supper, and I wanted to go to a park we don't go to often, so we killed two birds with one stone and went to the Maple Leaf Gardens Loblaws to get some food, and played at the Allen Gardens playground and took a spin through the Gardens.  It was another lovely day.

Two day camps were also at the playground so E just played with them. 

We also met some friends at the Annette St. Farmer's Market and picked up some fresh produce.

Thursday - We hung around the house, watched Milos's match, worked on some reading, did some tidying up, played with water in buckets, and made lemonade.  We did do a quick walk up the street to the Bulk Barn for granola ingredients and to go to the playground. 

These guys on their begins ;)

E's idea to add the lemon wedge and straw. 

Friday - not sure what fun we will get up to today, but I do know we are ordering Jamaica take out with some friends tonight!  Mmm! #givemeallthepatties

Also a quick note, since I probably have some new readers today from the link up, on Wednesday I asked for recommendations for New York City, see my post here.  Would be happy for some more!

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