Monday, December 16, 2019

Life Lately

I missed doing a post on Thursday and Friday, was busy at work and with getting ready for our party on Saturday (stay tuned for tomorrow for a recap of that).

So here is a collection of some photos from the past few days of what we've been up to:

Reading Paw Patrol Saves Christmas for the millionth time.  Look at Q's focus!

Using my hair elastic for Q's hair, he needs a trim.

This is Q's tree, we leave the lights on while he falls asleep. 

A welcome sight as I walk home from work.

Decorating cookies :)

Not exactly the colour scheme I was going for but you take the help you can get ;)

These guys turned out well!
Playing Monopoly Deal 

Visiting with Santa at school

Taking the kids to school :)  PJ Day for E on Friday.


  1. I want to get a hold of Monopoly Deal -- I've heard a lot of people like it. Ooooo... our library now has games we can borrow. I should see if they have it...

    And our kids get a PJ Day this Friday. I'm so excited they won't have to get dressed that day. Ha!
