Monday, October 7, 2024

Recent Amazon Buys

I haven’t been someone who typically buys things at Amazon. I never really trust that the product will be what I want it to be, and I pick up most things locally.  Recently I have tried out a few things and they have worked out for me, so perhaps I am becoming an Amazon convert, even if I am late to the party.  (Similarly I ate at Costco for the first time this summer, did you know how cheap it is there?!! Haha, I know you do, I was the only one who didn’t know.)

Anyway, here are a few things I have purchased lately:

These are a bit more expensive than the ones you can get on the US Amazon, but I think they are still worth it.  I like changing up the different colours to match my outfits. 

I got this for Q’s birthday and was impressed with the quality, I think I will get him the Miami kit for Christmas.  I have heard these should not go in the dryer, or the numbers will peel, so head’s up, and hang to dry.

This little calendar is perfect for our family.  We have mounted it at the top of the basement stairs right by the kitchen so it is easy to see everyday and the kids will know what the plans are for the day.  I also write the menu for the week on it since we got rid of our chalkboard wall during our reno.

I like the phone cord style hair elastics and the pack I had been using was diminishing (lost, broken, looking faded) so I tried out this package.  Now I have more hair elastics than I know what to do with, but they are a good quality. 

This is always a little cheaper from Amazon than it is at the grocery store.

1 comment:

  1. I’ve bought quite a few things from Amazon that I have been very happy with. I haven’t bought clothes as I tend to stick to the local brands I know. My cat has stolen and hidden nearly all of my hair ties so I should get some more.
