Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Weekend Recap

Friday was a busy day for me at work, I was in the office and although I planned to leave a little earlier, I did not get to.  But I was still able to make our chili for supper and get a Peloton ride in.  We kicked off E’s birthday weekend with some special cookies from Craig’s Cookies.  Then we watched Goosebumps. 

The next morning we got ready for E’s birthday party by putting together the treat bags and picking up the birthday cake.  E’s friends arrived around 2:30.  They quickly got into some games before it was time to leave for the party. 

We went to an Escape Room.  The boys had done this for another birthday party and E wanted to do it too, choosing a new room. Q was excited to hang with the big boys.

While they were doing that, Dave and I walked down the street to check out Skiis and Biikes, and Home Run Sports.  It took the boys about 45 minutes or so to get through the room. 

Then we took everyone back to our house where the kids watched a movie, played mini-basketball in the basement, played a few video games, and had pizza and cake.  (And the vegetables I put out! Miracles do happen!!).  Parties for 13 year old boys are definitely more chill than parties for younger kids!

Ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins

Our teenager :)

The treat bags were just candy which the kids loved. 

Opening up the gifts from his friends.  He has some really thoughtful buddies. 

The boys were tired the next morning but I still dragged them to church with me.  It was a beautiful day

After church and Dave’s golf, we set out on our bikes to enjoy one of E’s birthday gifts, an upgrade to the geocaching app he uses. 

Heading into the woods.

However the advanced version of app shows caches that are way harder to find and we weren’t as successful as we would have liked.  But we were still outside and that’s all that matters. 

Then we went out for E’s birthday dinner.  Although his birthday was not until Monday, he wanted to go for sushi and that restaurant is closed on Mondays.  

Walking up.


He opened his gifts that night too.

New guitar.  The one he was using was borrowed so we thought he should have his own. 

We watched the F1 race and then went to bed early.

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