Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Weekend Recap

Thanksgiving weekend is one of my favourite weekends of the year.  The fall weather combined with delicious food can’t be beat. 

I was out first thing on Friday morning to make sure I could get a turkey, which I did, and decided to buy some flowers as well. 

After a somewhat busy day at work, it was cocktail time that evening. 

It was homemade pizza night which we had not done for awhile. 

Q was first up to make his pizza.

Opened up a nice bottle of red wine to enjoy with our pizza. 

E was up next.

A little dance party broke out (ignore the shop vac!)

Silliness on Saturday morning. 

I made our two pies for Thanksgiving dinner. 

After lunch we loaded our bikes onto the bike rack and drove downtown with plans to bike around the Toronto Islands.  We took the Hanlan’s Point ferry over. 

What a beautiful day!

Loving the view of our city.

We biked from Hanlan’s Point to Ward’s Island, stopping along the way to check stuff out. 

Stopped for an ice cream.

And then back on Ward’s Island ferry to the mainland.  We grabbed an early dinner at The Great Lakes Brewhouse before loading the bikes back up for home.

On Sunday morning E decided to sit in the balcony for the service instead of going to Sunday school. I went up to see him between choir practice an and the start of the service. 

I made this wrap for Q for lunch, where fold it into quarters.

I prepared our Thanksgiving dinner all afternoon and watched the football.  The boys played some Monopoly and video games. 

Ready to eat!

I was going for a colourful plate but unfortunately the green Brussels sprouts and the red beets were a bit darker than expected, oops. Everything was good though.

We watched The Village and had our pie.  

On Monday morning I finally tackled the boys’ dressers and cleaned out their clothes.  Here is the pile of things that were removed from Q’s dresser.

Dave was golfing the afternoon so the boys and I went out.  First stop was the McDonalds at Dundas West Station. 

Then we went back to High Park and ate our food there and walked around.  I said E looked like he was doing a photo shoot.

This is Q reenacting a scene from The Village.

Just a few trees have changed colours.

We looked for some geocaches and that took us all over the park.  We spend a lot of time there but I think there are still parts of the park I saw for the first time. 

This was a steep hill we had to go down.

Q and I made cookies when we got back. 

Then I did a small workout and we had leftovers for dinner. I hope you had a fun weekend too!

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