Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Let's Look Wednesday

Today is the final installment of Let's Look and today we are looking at our gift wrapping stations.

I normally wrap gifts in the guest room where I have the bed and a dresser to use as surface areas, and I can shut the door.  But we have guests coming this week so I've been moved out to the kids' table in the basement.  Long rolls of paper in the open bin on the left, tissue paper and bags in the blue bin, and ribbons and tags are in the cardboard box by Q.  Lego guys are optional.

I am a pretty quick wrapper and did all of my extended family and parents earlier this week, with the kids buzzing around, stealing ends of paper, the scissors and the tape.  And then I tidied it all up and I'll get it back out for the next round of wrapping later.

I like the sticker gift tags so they don't fall off.  I will buy a new roll of paper or two every year, usually Home Sense has some good ones.  Tissue paper comes from Dollarama, and the tags are picked up at Shoppers on Boxing Day. I don't use a lot of bows or ribbons since I find they get crumpled under the tree.  My grandmother was a bow maker extraordinaire, and we still have some of her old bows that I may add if it fits with the gift.  

When Santa comes, he wraps all stocking stuffers in tissue paper, and then has his own roll of paper for the kids'  big gifts that no other gifts are wrapped in and that he brings with him so no one sees it laying around before Christmas. ;) 


  1. I love gift wrap from HomeSense. Such a good quality. Are usually do ribbons and a glue gun so I can save them year after year

  2. We usually just get our gift wrap at Costco or Wal-Mart. And yeah, we never do ribbons or bows. Also, I make my husband wrap all the gifts because I HATE wrapping so he just does it in the basement one night after the kids are in bed!
