Friday, July 26, 2024

Friday Favourites

Happy Friday! Our summer is steaming right along. I wrote on Wednesday that I feel like summer will be over too soon and we will won't have been able to do "everything".  But I concluded that we still have lots of time for fun, and we don't need to do everything to still have a summer. 

Like yesterday when I went out for lunch with some colleagues at the Union Station Summer Market.  I love it so much, so fun seeing the tourists mingling in with the workers on their lunch break.

Q is at Pine Project camp this week and it's all outdoors, exploring the river and the woods near our house.  He came home with a bunch of glass he had collected, sticks, and some woven bracelets.  He was very proud.

E has been at golf camp this week and has also gotten two rounds in in the evening.  When I dropped him off on Tuesday he grabbed his clubs and went right to the practice range.  

When I picked up him up later there was a coyote on the road. 

He looks a little like a cartoon.

I biked to work twice this week, and this was the little table in my office.  It was getting a bit out of hand. Lunch, coffee cup, a few things from the drugstore, water and helmet.  Luckily I have a good bag to haul it all home, along with my computer and change of clothes of course.

For anyone who was concerned about us here in Ontario, the liquor store workers ended their strike and the stores opened back up on Tuesday.  Not that I was really desperate, but I did go that day to replenish our gin, bourbon, Aperol, and wine.  

We went to see Twisters yesterday.  It was so good! I loved it all, it helps that we just rewatched Twister so I appreciated this one a bit more.  

Have a great weekend!

Linking up with Andrea.


  1. I love the original movie Twister and have been torn about seeing Twisters; I'm so afraid it won't hold up! :) We are having a very "do nothing" summer and it's been rather nice and relaxing.

  2. Q looks so happy with his treasures! My oldest son was always collecting sticks, rocks, shells, etc, and I had a nice heavy haul at the bottom of my handbags. That sure was a long strike by the liquor store workers! I'm glad it's over! I haven't seen Twisters, but I did see the original when it first came out. I've heard good things about the new one and now I'm curious. I'm hoping to see Deadpool and Wolverine sometime soon. My youngest saw it yesterday and said it was good, but he said we should watch 'Logan' first. So I guess that's our homework for the weekend. Haha! Have a great weekend!
