Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Weekend Recap

We had beautiful weather this weekend, we are so lucky!  Dave and E got a round of golf in after E's golf camp on Friday afternoon.  New hats!

Q and I biked to soccer and stopped in for some pizza.  It was a hub of activity with the delivery guys coming in and out, we were entertained :)

Warming up.

We were up early on Saturday for a rep t-ball game at High Park.  It was just an exhibition game but a good way to get some practice in.

And we won, which is always nice!

E golfed in the afternoon for the junior club championship, and we went to our friends' for dinner.  We had a nice evening hanging out with them, outside, and some delicious food.  And when E was done his round, he joined us.

Dave golfed early on Sunday morning and the rest of us got to sleep in.  I walked to get a coffee and muffins, and put out this little spread for us.

It was such a nice day we we had to go swimming! We biked to the pool to be there when it opened at noon. 

It was so nice, I could have stayed there all day.

But we had to drag ourselves away because E had Day 2 of the golf club championship. Earlier in that morning we saw strawberry and Nutella crepes being made in Paris at the Olympics.  So on our way home, we stopped in at Baka so we could get crepes. 

They didn't last long!

We dropped E at the golf course and then went to Costco.  Q went to a birthday party and after we picked him up we went to the golf course for dinner and to get E.

Q did some putting when we arrived.  With the pro standing on the putting green, Q sunk his first putt!

Another lovely night on the patio.

The Juniors.

Excited about his pizza after a long day on the golf course. 

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