Wednesday, July 3, 2024

June Books

Just two books this month, but they were both fantastic.

First up was Coronation Year by Jennifer Robson (Canadian!)

The story takes place the year of Queen Elizabeth's Coronation. The main character is the proprietor of a hotel that will be very near the coronation parade route. There are other characters who will be painting the parade and photographing the coronation ceremony. Things get complicated as the big day approaches, a little mystery, a little history, and a little romance. Like this author's previous book, The Gown, we go back and forth between different characters' points of view.  And there is even an appearance from characters in The Gown. 
This is a delightful book, very entertaining, and even more special knowing it was written after Her Majesty's death. Looking back at the official start of her reign, and what was going on at the time, made me take a special appreciation for our dear Queen.  

The next book was The Soulmate by Sally Hepworth.

A woman dies after falling/jumping/being pushed (?!) from the edge of a cliff.  The occupants of the house beside this cliff are quickly embroiled in the aftermath and we get some background on their stories, including from the dead woman herself (which I admit is a bit weird, but is necessary to get the full story).  The story is set in Australia and I always enjoy reading books set in other countries. 
I've only read a couple of Sally Hepworth's books but I am quickly discovering she does not disappoint.  She keeps the story moving, always throws in some curve balls, and doesn't always wrap things up in a neat little package.

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