Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Life Lately

Dave has been away this week and I can't drive yet (post c-section), nor can I walk the distance it takes to get E to school, so I have been relying on neighbours to take him.  

Waiting to be picked up

Since we don't need to be ready as early, there is lots of time for Magformers

Eating breakfast at the counter.

Coffee on the couch

Yesterday they started cutting down a huge tree in our neighbour's yard.  I took some photos of the guy way up in the tree (I circled them below), but they really don't convey how big this tree is or how high he really is. But it is old and very close to the neighbour's house so they decided it was time to get rid of it, and they got the permit from the City so I guess they agreed. 

A new experience for Q this week was wind.  It was so warm on Tuesday so I didn't think he needed a blanket on our walk so he got the full effect of the wind.  He still fell asleep though. 
(By the way, I didn't do the carseat up as tightly as I would if we were going in the car, so I know the chest strap is not properly positioned, it is safe enough for a walk in the stroller though!)

What else is new this week?
- I watch Live with Kelly every morning. And I watch a lot of HGTV and Food Network (this is very similar to the last time I was on mat leave).
- I went to the first of what I hope is many Mommy and Me movies at our local theatre.  We saw Girl on the Train.  I had not read the book so I was sufficiently hooked by the plot. Also, I love Emily Blunt. 
- I used to change E's outfit with any splash of pee or spot of poop, but with Q I am more likely to let it go with an "ah, it's not much, it will dry".  #secondchildproblems
- That being said, Q has outgrown his current size of cloth diapers, and although we get the next size up today, it means he has leaked through practically every outfit since the weekend.  

1 comment:

  1. Second child problems are real for sure!! I used to watch more tv with a newborn too
