In the evening we had salmon for supper, and then we watched The Founder (about the man who started the McDonalds franchise).
The next day was kind of dreary and we didn't really have anything planned. After Q's nap and I did some organizing on the computer, I took the boys to the park before lunch. It started raining, but just briefly so we waited it out under the play structure.
After lunch we just hung out around the house, watched a movie and read. Then I went for a run and E biked with me. We were gone for awhile but I think we only covered about 7 km. We made sausages and corn on the cob for supper. Q tried eating his corn off of the cob. He was semi-successful but we need to work on his technique.
We tried watching some of The Wire but I fell asleep and decided to just go to bed early.
We woke up to a beautiful day on Sunday. While Dave went for a long run, E and I did some painting outside. We aren't artists but it was fun.
After Dave got back we headed down to Sunnyside Beach. We love this part of Toronto and it so close to us. Next year when Q can go in the bike trailer, we will definitely be visiting it more. We ate on the patio and watched the volleyball players. It wasn't super hot so we decided not to go swimming but play in the wading pool and playground instead.
E watching the volleyball just waiting for the ball to come his way so he could throw it back.
Then we went home for Q's nap, I got groceries, and everyone else had some quiet time. I made some chicken and lemon pasta with this nice glass of white wine.
After supper Dave cut E's hair and it turned out pretty well.
The next morning was a holiday Monday so I got to sleep in a little bit, woke up to some breakfast and some time to read my book on the patio. Then Dave took E to the bike park at Lakeshore and Ellis. He had a great time with only one wipeout.
In the afternoon Dave and I did some yard work, and then we met up with some neighbours for a walk/bike down the river.
We made calzones for dinner and they were delicious!
After supper, baths, and stories, I made up some veggie burgers for our supper tonight, got organized for the week, and we watched some TV.
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