Friday, February 9, 2018

Friday Favourites

Have you heard about the Atlanta Monster podcast yet?  Dave told me about it last week and I've listened to the five episodes that are out so far.  It is kind of like Serial (although not as good), and it has all of my favourite things - true crime, race relations, and southern accents.  In the late 1970s to early 1980s several young black boys in Atlanta were abducted and murdered and this is about how the police solved the case and then others' views about how they didn't solve it at all.

We had a colourful meal on Wednesday - homemade chicken strips, roasted sweet potatoes, and purple cabbage coleslaw.  Q wasn't a big fan of the coleslaw but he ate the rest. 

On Tuesday at work, a few of us ordered burgers and fries from Burger's Priest and they were so good.  I went to the original Burger's Priest a few years ago, and since it became a mainstream franchise, it didn't appeal to me as much (#soldouttotheman) but I think I'll consider going back when we want burgers again.

Short and sweet today, bring on the weekend and the Olympics!

Linking up with AndreaErikaNarci for Friday Favourites,
and The Blended Blog for Friday Loves. 

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