Last week our electricians were in our house rewiring and then patching the holes in the wall.
There was a layer of dust covering everything so on Friday night, we cleaned the house from top to bottom. I may have said this before, but cleaning is not my strong suit. I can do it, but I just don't like it, not like some people do. Dave on the other hand, is a good cleaner. E is going to take after him I think, we gave him some paper towels and some Windex and he was off. He had a great time helping us.
On Saturday morning we headed to Plant World to get our Christmas tree. We decided to splurge a little bit since we are having a party and will be here for all of Christmas. And by "splurge" I only mean spend more than the $20 we usually spend on a tree from Ikea. To be clear, the Boy Scouts are selling the trees, but they are in the Ikea parking lot, and you get an Ikea voucher for $20 to spend in January. It has been a good deal for us, but the trees are not the best trees.
2014 - E is fighting the tree with his mitt
Santa's reindeer were hanging out at Plant World, bulking up for the big day.
While E was at Sportball, Dave and I walked down the street to do some Christmas shopping. Full disclosure, by no means have I done all of my Christmas shopping on our street, like I said I was going to do, but I have gotten a few things. I'll try harder next year.
After some lunch, and some turnovers:
We got to work setting up the tree, organizing the decorations, and Dave cleaned up the garage and backyard. Then we went for a walk again to do some more shopping. E is a slow walker (of course he is, he's three), but it means when we are going anywhere, it takes forever. We decided to let him take his bike on our walk, which was way more stressful than dealing with a slow child. First of all the sidewalk isn't that wide, so you're either afraid he's going to roll into the street, or he's plowing into people around him. Plus the whole way home is downhill so there's that. But we made it relatively unscathed (E did tumble into a light post at one point and had a scrape on his face, oops). And we had a successful shopping trip.
On Saturday night I wrapped some gifts, and we watched the rest of Love Actually (first half on Friday night).
Sunday was another busy day, I started baking for our Christmas party (two batches of oat cakes, one batch of sugar cookies), we went to church, decorated the tree, and then went to Target for a few more decorations. I'll post some pictures of our completed decorations tomorrow.
This week we'll be finishing up the baking and preparation for our party. Dave's parents are coming to town, so maybe Dave and I can take a night away to see Mockingjay!
Gratuitous shot of my pumpkin
Love love actually! Can't wait to see the completed tree!