Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Weekend Recap

I love weekends that are centred around holidays; they are busy but lots of fun.  On Friday morning I went to school with E for his show and tell, then we made this page for the case scrapbook about their families.  We even used the MacDonald family tartan napkin from the reunion this summer.

On Saturday morning we started our day off with breakfast at McDonalds, my favourite!

Then a much needed haircut for E, complete with a pony ride and sucker. 

One of the gifts that E got for his birthday was a gift card to Mastermind Toys, plus some money from family members.  We went to the store so he could pick something out, he decided on another Star Wars Lego spaceship (Obi Wan's ship from Episode 3 with R4, in case you're wondering).  I had  never been in the Mastermind Toys store, but they have some great stuff! 

After Sportball and lunch, my dad and his wife came over for a visit and they watched Quinn while Dave worked on the steps and E and I went to the store in search of some pumpkins.  We were successful!

On Sunday morning, I got to sleep in for a bit (!) before we went across to the street to our neighbours' house for a morning Halloween party.  They had lots of yummy treats, E decorated a pumpkin, and we got to visit with some friends. 

E is Flash and Captain America, he wanted to combine the two costumes.

Then we went up to the St. Joseph's Hospital Halloween Fest.  It was so cold, so I didn't get many pictures. 

We spent the afternoon warming up, playing games on the iPad, and carving pumpkins.  E drew out the designs for each of our pumpkins, and then I drew them on and carved them out.  The bottom left one was modified slightly so it could be a flame pumpkin like E saw in the carving book we have.  I did have to free hand it though because the stencil wasn't actually in the book. 

Picture with lights on

Lights off but with flash

Lights off and no flash

1 comment:

  1. That is a nice poster of the family for E you created. And super job on the pumpkin designs and carving! E looks very cool in his dual costume.
