Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Weekend Recap

This weekend recap post is a little light on the photos, I guess I was photo weary after Halloween.  

On Friday night we played some Monopoly Deal and watched a few things on TV.

On Saturday Q was up early so we watched Cars.  Then I headed out to get my haircut and highlighted.  While I was gone Dave worked on the basement and then took Q to Sportball.  

When I got home, I worked on cleaning the toys in the living room.  I took this photo to prove it was clean at one point in the weekend, even if it didn't stay that way.  While I was tidying, E was over at his friend's house and Q was napping.  

When Q woke up, we went to get E and went to Ikea.  We needed to check out some stuff for the basement.  Q loves Ikea and he was just buzzing around checking out all of the displays.

We just ordered pizza for supper and Dave and I watched the rest of Mindhunter after the kids went to bed.  Not a great photo but I wanted to see what my hair looked like. 

On Sunday morning we all got dressed up and went down to the Humber river to take some photos for our Christmas card.  We just do it ourselves with the camera on the tripod and using the timer.  It works well enough.  Q had some emotional moments but we managed to get a couple of good shots.  Dave snapped a few candids of the kids when we were done. 

We did a lot of stuff on Sunday - I did a bunch of laundry, cleaned the bathroom, tidied the bedrooms, started packing for my trip, got groceries, and made this turkey pot pie for supper (leftover turkey from Thanksgiving, it was so good!).

For fun we also went swimming for free swim, and E had a friend over for a bit and Dave played a game of Monopoly with them.  Oh yeah, and Dave finished the flooring in the basement.  You could say we made good use of our extra hour on Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Your hair looks lovely! And that turkey pot pie...Nana and Robert would be proud!!
