Friday, November 29, 2019

Friday Favourites

Lobster season started in my hometown this week.  I saw a story shared on Twitter of an all female  lobster crew, likely the first one in Nova Scotia. I always appreciate stories like this.  We'll be getting some South Shore lobster at Christmas, best kind. 

Because of Thanksgiving in the US, Sirius XM radio is free this week in the cars.  I always love the Prime Country station :)

So I mentioned in Wednesday's post that I am reading a super sad book about (slight spoiler alert) a sick child. So I've been a little extra patient with putting the kids to bed this week, and twice I've played a couple of games of cards with E.  I don't love board games but I'll play cards.  We played Uno one night and War another night.  It was fun and we just did a few hands before I made him go to bed. 
(I know this game is Monopoly Deal, this photo is from a couple of weeks ago)

Maman in First Canadian Place.  I thought this was a sit down restaurant but it's more of a counter with a few seats.  I wandered in the other day to check it out and the smell of the baked goods sucked me in and I had to get a cookie and coffee.  Apparently the cookies were on Oprah's favourite things list a few years ago, and I will admit that tipped me into getting one.

Linking up with AndreaErika, and Narci.


  1. If you like Uno you should see if you can find Dos. It's sort of like Uno but I like it better.

  2. We like playing cards (and board games) with our boys whenever we get a chance.

  3. I can't wait for the days when I get to play card games with my kiddos! So happy you're enjoying that extra special time 😊

