Friday, July 9, 2021

Friday Favourites


Happy Friday! I see some US bloggers writing about summer being half over, for those of us in Ontario (shoutout Natasha and Sarita!!) we are just getting into summer, it was the first full week off of school this week.

It was Q's first week of day camp.  He attended a gymnastics camp and had a great time. They did gymnastics in the morning and in the afternoon went to a nearby park and did some crafts.  The highlight for him was that we took him there on the subway each day.

I had seen this meme a few months ago but then couldn't find it again to share.  This was certainly my life when I was home working with the kids on virtual school.  Now that both kids are at camp, my day was actually more 8 to 4:30.  Except two days when I picked up Q from camp and had to stop between 3:00 and 4:00. 

I treated myself to a face mask on Thursday night.  It's the turmeric and cranberry one from Keihl's and although I question it's actually efficacy it is still fun to use and after I use that and slather on a bunch of cream, my face feels nice.  I was working at my office this week so I actually put on make up for the first time in forever and my face felt a little dry from that. 

I always cheer for England for Euro Cup or World Cup soccer so I was excited to see them win on Wednesday and we will be watching the final on Sunday vs. Italy.  Should be a good one!

I posted about our camping trip on Tuesday. We were lucky to see a male moose on the side of the road and got photos! 

If you're a blogger, plan to join the Not Just A Mom link up on Monday.  We are doing Home Tours, so excuse me while I go tidy up my house move the mess from room to room to get ready for some photos!

Linking up today with Andrea and Erika.



  1. Hahaha -- move the mess from room to room to get photos! There's so much truth in those words!!! And thanks for the shout out. It's so hard to slog through June while US bloggers are almost all in summer mode but it sure is sweet to have eight more weeks of summer to look forward to today!

    At some point you'll have to do a post about what it feels like to be back in the office... I hope that transition has gone well for you. Dave also felt the Dolly Parton meme while trying to work and do online learning and is enjoying his full days of work this week.

  2. I'm never really sure if those face masks work either but I do love how they feel.
