Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Want it Wednesday

For Easter I usually put up an Easter tree (a twig tree with wooden eggs and other little ornaments) and that's about it.  Last year I expanded a bit with an egg garland.  I don't want to get too many ornaments, but there are a few things I want.

Egg Cups to show some decorated eggs.  Our neighbourhood has a large Polish and Ukrainian population and many of the stores are selling wooden Ukrainian style eggs.  I will probably get a few and stick them in these egg cups.

 I have this already but I can use it to hold eggs too.

I always love some new tea towels, and these ones are so cute with the pompoms for bunny tails.

I love Beatrix Potter and these darling bowls would be great for candy and for eating out of.

I'll probably also stop by Dollarama to pick up a few things too.  

And for a fun craft Martha Stewart has this one for kids to make a cherry blossom tree out of a branch  and tissue paper.

1 comment:

  1. Those bowls are sweet! I remember doing a similar craft with yellow crepe paper for forsythia blooms. The pink is nice.
