Another installment of being thankful for the little things, that are really big things when you think about it.
Singing "O Canada"
On Sunday we celebrated Remembrance Day at church. We heard the Last Post, had a moment of silence, followed by the Reveille. We had a bagpiper and the choir sang a version of "In Flanders Fields". Then the congregation sang "O Canada". The last time I sang our national anthem I was probably at a sporting event, actually yes, it was a Blue Jays game earlier this summer. Singing the national anthem for a sporting event that isn't the Olympics or other international competition doesn't really make sense to me, but it can be a good feeling when the entire stadium is singing along. On Sunday, though, it was different. It was something that truly stood for our nation, while we remembered, and it was therefore all the more meaningful.
Looking for Leaves with E
I raked up several bags of leaves over the weekend, and also walked up the street for groceries. E was with me for most of this and we collected several leaves that he thought were pretty. He had me put them in my pocket. When I lost one of the small ones he said "maybe you should zip up your pocket and then you won't lose it". Good idea, thanks.
Reading my Abundant magazine
I follow Thrive Moms on Instagram and receive their weekly newsletter (I have also posted about them here). When I saw they were publishing a magazine, I ordered my copy right away. It arrived a couple of weeks ago, and I have been waiting for the right time when I could sit down and devour it in one sitting. That time never really arrived. On the weekend I realized I probably wouldn't be able to sit and read the whole thing uninterrupted, so I read a bit at a time. On Saturday evening, I spent a few minutes in the living room polishing it off. It has lovely photographs and inspiring articles. My favourite section was about Praying for your Family, and provided some actual prayers to use.
Love those low key weekends. Happy Monday!!