Friday, January 13, 2017

Friday Favourites

Linking up with AndreaErika and Narci for Friday Favourites.

We got this little onesie for Q for Christmas. It says "Mighty Cute MVP".  Q's name is Quinn and you may have heard of the song The Mighty Quinn, so this shirt is appropriate since it has Mighty right at the top.  

For those of you who believe in "push presents" (gifts given to the mom by the dad after the birth of their children), these are mine.  I got the bracelet when E was born and then I got the charm when Q was born. 

Apparently pom pom hats are in, so I needed to jump right onto this bandwagon.  I picked up this hat the Gap last week, and bonus it was on sale.  Then funny story, when I picked up E from school on Monday, one of his friends (a five year old girl) says "I have that hat", so I guess I'm taking my fashion cues from sweet little Hazel. 

Santa put this buff in E's stocking, and I thought it was great so Dave and I both got one.  They are from MEC and fit under our ski helmets.  E has a blue one, but I have this pretty patterned one.

Happy Friday, stay warm!

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