Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Show and Tell Tuesday

Linking up with Andrea for Show and Tell Tuesday.

Today we are sharing how we serve others.  Admittedly I do not do a good job of serving others throughout the year, but I always do some things around the holidays. 

Our church hosts a hot meal for homeless people and I usually sign up to bring in some food for it.  I choose the non-pershisable things that require no effort other than going to the grocery store, but it all helps.  Some year when I have more time, I would love to take the day off work and prepare and serve the food.

I also participate in the Shoebox Project and fill a box with some cozy and useful items for women in local shelters. 

I also try to make donations or ask others to make a donation instead of getting me a gift for the food bank, Centre for Addition and Mental Health Gifts of Light, or the Open Door (based in Mississauga and helps local people who need some extra support). As you can see local charities that help those down on their luck are near to my heart.  It's easy to get overwhelmed by all of the troubles of the world, so I try to focus on those in my own city. 

I read a post about how to serve others as a family and there were a few that I want to do this year because I think E is appreciating the world around him a bit more so I want to seize the opportunity.  Some of these ideas are:

Deliver cookies or a meal to someone who may be having a hard time during the holidays. 

Leave a Christmas card and treat for the mailman (not being sexist, ours is a man).  I did that last year because I knew how hard he was working to deliver all the parcels. 

Say thank you to more people.

Volunteer to babysit for someone who doesn't have a lot of family close by.

Choose some toys and books to donate. 

Blessed are those who are generous.  Proverbs 22:9

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it really is as simple as showing others how much they are appreciated. I was clueless about serving until I was an adult and I've tried to get my kids involved at a very young age. So many things they can do even at preschool age.
