Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Weekend Recap

We had a beautiful sunny day on Friday.  

I even got a quick run in before supper. 

While we got dinner ready, Q fell asleep at the backdoor.  

We had one packet of yeast left so we made some smaller pizzas for our supper (our big pack of yeast arrived c/o my mom on Sunday) and then I actually sat outside for a bit and read my book while the boys watched Sonic the Hedgehog.  Then they went to bed and tried out a sleepover in Q's room, but it was a little too rowdy so I got them settled into their respective beds around 10:00

On Saturday we did some cleaning inside and Dave started painting the back porch ceiling and posts. E got the hammock out for me :)

And a quick bike ride with Q. 

I cleaned off the kids' desk and uncovered E's rainbow loom.  I told him to take it up to his room but instead he opened it up and started making bracelets.  Q and I helped him sort the elastics by colour. 

We made some Old Fashioneds, burgers and fries, and while they were cooking, Dave and I played crib. Later we taught E to play and he enjoyed it. 

We had the best weather day on Sunday.  We did start out the day with some old-school Disney movies (Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid),  but then got outside. 

Dave carried on with the painting, and I planted the herbs that we have so far.  Q enjoyed his lunch outside. 

In the late afternoon E set up an skills competition for us to do.  Kick the soccer ball, shoot the basketball, putt the golf balls, etc. It was fun and Q did multiple rounds.

Our yummy supper - beer butt chicken, sweet potato salad, and green beans.

We put on National Treasure 2 after I put Q to bed but I fell asleep and then went to bed before it was over, E even stayed up later than me!

1 comment:

  1. Wasn't Sunday the BEST weather day this year?!?! Loved it!

    I'm envious of your hammock. I have one in a box downstairs but we have nowhere to hang it -- boo :( I might have to invest in a metal hanger...
