Wednesday, May 27, 2020

What's Up Wednesday

Well Natasha was right, we are still in quarantine for this month's edition of What's up Wednesday, and if I was a betting person, I would say we will still be in this state for June as well. 

What we're eating this week...
Sunday - leftovers from our anniversary dinner
Monday - Turkey Burgers, Boiled Potatoes, Coleslaw
Tuesday - Eggplant Parmesan and Chicken Parmesan
Wednesday - Leftovers
Thursday - Salmon and sweet potatoes
Friday - Pizza
Saturday - Steak

What I'm reminiscing about...
I wrote about our 11th wedding anniversary on Friday, we celebrated it on Saturday.
What I'm loving...
I am not on Tik Tok but I do follow @sarahcpr on Twitter, a comedian who does lip-syncs of Trump's press conferences.  We are obsessed with them, look them up.  The best is the one where Trump suggests ultraviolet light or disinfectant as ways to fight Covid; she refers to it as "How to Medical".

What we've been up to...
Spending more time outside!  Days just seem better when we can be outside for part of them.  Our back patio is a bit of a lumberyard/quarry right now after our trees were cut down and the stone wall removed.  But after that is cleared up, I'm hoping to set up the table so I can work from out there more comfortable than having my laptop on my lap.  We went for a picnic by the river yesterday and took a little walk. Glorious weather!

What I'm dreading...
As challenging as home school is, I am dreading the summer months when we don't have those activities.  We don't spend all day doing school work but it is something to do and a goal to achieve.  We may have to do some summer school work with E just so he doesn't play video games all day! This is his project he did for social studies, a diorama of the Metis people. 

What I'm working on...
All of the things.  I saw this on Instagram the other day and I had to save it.

What I'm excited about...
Our beer fridge is stocked up!  We did another order from each of Collective Arts and Henderson and they both arrived yesterday.  We are ready for the weekend (or you know, Wednesday night!). 

What I'm watching/reading
We are currently watching The Stranger, and we recently finished up The Last Dance, Winning the Wilderness and Nadiya's Time to Eat - all on Netflix.  Then we have Little Fires Everywhere to watch.

I am reading nothing currently.  But I have heard that the library will start letting us pick up our holds so that will be good, and hopefully I can get some reading in. 

What I'm listening to...
My workout class instructors have been sharing their playlists with us so we can listen through our own speakers rather than through Zoom.  I have been listening to these songs just while I'm working so I can be dancing in my chair (and also drowning out the kids!).

What I'm wearing...
Sunscreen!! I hate applying it but I can't be out in the sun without it.  Q doesn't like it but I am really trying to force it on him.  He was outside without it this week and it looks like he got a bit of  heat rash. 

What I'm doing this weekend...
We will probably go for another bike ride on the Lakeshore, and we would like to get out for a hike as well. We all like being outside. 

What I'm looking forward to next month...
My birthday is next month so that means cake :) And we will be wrapping up E's school activities and hopefully getting a better sense of what our summer plans will be - can we go camping, can we start hanging out with people, can we travel to Northern Ontario, will the pools be open?

What else is new...
Dave has been baking bread lately.  He has always made our pizza dough but now he has branched out to different yeast breads.  I am happy to enjoy the fruits of his labour.

Cinnamon buns, obs.

Made even better with cream cheese frosting.


Chocolate Challah

Linking up Shay for What's up Wednesday!!


  1. PLEASE let the pools be open this summer... Please...

    Also, that chocolate challah looks great as does the focaccia. Does Dave share his recipes???

    And yes, what we will do with our kids for part of the day when school ends??? I have been wondering that for awhile now...

  2. A picnic by the river....that is so lovely. It is great that you all enjoy the outdoors. Even though it adds to that long list of things to do hopefully the fresh air and those smiling faces help to rejuvenate your spirit. The new (and hopefully temporary?) stressors sure are intense when seen listed like that. Hope you can keep finding some alone time to do yoga or read. Be good to yourself, my Dear. You ARE doing a good job, even if it doesn't feel like it at times.

  3. We've been watching Nadiya's Time to Eat. We loved her on The Great British Bake Off! All of those baked goods look soooo yummy!!!

  4. We've only had a few sunny days here and I am doing awful at remembering my sunscreen (and burning!)... I need to get better at using it.
