Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Weekend Recap

We are wary that the Province and/or City may initiate another shut down so we all got haircuts in the past few days.  Q had an appointment after school on Friday.  He looked pretty cute when he was all done.

Then we picked up E for a classmate's house and we headed home for pizza night.  I made the self-proclaimed pizza of the week.

Q enjoyed his pizza too.

But everyone was tired.  We watched Over the Moon on Netflix after supper.

On Saturday morning I went to get my haircut!  Meanwhile Dave worked on the leaves.

Then they all went for a walk with our neighbours so when I got back from my hair appointment I went to join them.   It was pretty chilly out and I didn't think the ice cream truck was required.  Now if they pivoted to sell hot chocolate and coffee, I could support that business model.

Beautiful day to be by the river.

This tree climbing happened before I got there.

Hot chocolate at the table he made

After lunch I took the kids for an eye appointment.  Q insisted on wearing his Hulk costume.

We had steak and french fries for our supper, and then watched Jingle Jangle on Netflix.

Sunday was supposed to be rainy and windy all day so we mostly just did things around the house - cleaning, groceries, muffin baking, watching church, and the Masters.  Around 2:30 I went for a run because the sun was actually out and it was quite warm.  I snapped this photo because I couldn't believe I was in a tank top in mid-November.  This was right as I turned around and good thing too because then the rain and wind really kicked in. I had a long sleeved shirt and headband that I put back on.  The rain was almost comical since it was really coming down, but it wasn't cold so I didn't mind too much.

Some Lego building for the rest of the day, then wings and caesar salad for supper. 

Sunday was a long day but it was successful to feel ready for the week ahead. 


  1. Sunday felt like a really long day here too. I think it was the weather -- it was so weird. We had a ton of wind.

  2. Great idea for the ice cream truck ...wintertime hot chocolate and coffee!
