Friday, December 27, 2024

Friday Favourites - 2024 Edition

 Some of my favourite things from 2024:

Song - Fortnite by Taylor Swift Ft. Post Malone

Movie - Twisters

TV Show - The Tragically Hip Documentary 

Book - Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow

YouTube Video - Barry Keoghan on Hot Ones

Meal - The Burger at Emily in New York City

Drink - Negroni

New Clothing - Athleta Dress

Toronto Moment - The day everything flooded downtown, including the lobby of my building.  With the power out and the subway shut down I walked north with a colleague for several blocks before we found an open coffee shop and finally an open subway station. 

Canada Moment - Watching the Mens 4x100m relay team win the gold medal!! 

House Thing - Our new couches

Restaurant - The Chase (have actually only been there for drinks so far, but loved the atmosphere!)

E Thing - E started playing guitar in September of last year but has really picked up on it this year.  I'm amazed at how quickly he can pick up a song. As with most kids, he could always practice more, but I think he's creating a good foundation for a lifetime of music. 

Q Thing - Q was part of the 7's Rep T-Ball team at High Park and had a great season. This was in addition to his house league team.  The Rep team had a good group of kids and parents, and we got our first taste of competitive sports tournaments.  Q had such a great time, he loved wearing the uniform and played hard!

Dave Thing - I tease Dave because he went on four golf trips this year, but really, he took advantage of some great opportunities to do the thing he loves, including golfing in Scotland!  

Memories - Finding the geocache at the library in New York, and playing crokinole on the Halifax waterfront

1 comment:

  1. A great blog about your favourite things and I am hearing so much gratefulness. To my surprise ....I was in the background of two of those 2024 stories. did that happen?
