Friday, December 6, 2024

Friday Favourites

We had a busy week getting ready for our party tomorrow - baking and cleaning the house. 

On Wednesday I joined some local ladies to build some boxes for the Shoebox Project.  We made 20 boxes of necessities and a few treats to take to local women's shelters.  And we enjoyed a glass of wine and treats ourselves.  

We got some snow on Wednesday and Thursday and the dusting always makes things look more festive.


Speaking of cookies - these guys just need some icing which I will add today.

Yesterday I posted about our Christmas decorations

Join us on Monday for our last link up of 2024.  Our topic is our "Favourite Smells".  And we will share our topics and link up graphics for 2025.

I took the day off of work to do more stuff for the party - a few errands, a bit of food prep, and some final cleaning.  

Linking up with Andrea and Erika


  1. Have a great party!
    Well done with the Shoebox Project, such a kind thing to do.
    The snow looks so pretty and those cookies look delicious!

  2. That Shoebox Project night looks like a lot of fun and when you're doing something for a good cause that added fun just makes it all the more special.
