Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Weekend Recap

It would be hard to pack more holiday fun into this weekend! Let's get to it.

I took Friday off so I could volunteer at the school.  The little kids had a pancake breakfast and the older kids had hot chocolate.  It's slightly chaotic down at the pancake breakfast, but fun.  I mostly just helped to set up and then went upstairs to help out the hot chocolate.

Hot chocolate served with marshmallows and whipped cream.

E and his buddy enjoying the treats.  I didn't see Q at the breakfast but I did stop in to his classroom to say goodbye was I was leaving. 

Then I drove out to Oakville to pick up E's new snowpants at a ski shop.  While I was there I tried on a new pair of ski boots for me and decided to buy them! Merry Christmas to me :)

That night was Home Alone night.  We had cheese pizza and Pepsi. And we made ice cream sundaes just like Kevin.

On Saturday morning we headed out to the slopes for our first day of the ski season.  Our hill has been open since last week and we knew we wanted to get out at least once before the kids started their racing program in January.  It was a perfect day!  We even saw one of E's friends and did a few runs with him and his dad.

After we got home and had a little nap, we put some appetizers in the oven for our dinner and the boys started on their gingerbread houses.  We had wanted to go to the gingerbread decorating session at the golf club but it was a day that didn't work for us so instead we picked up these houses and the candy at the Bulk Barn.  This was a two night process since they needed to let a few things dry before they could move onto the rest.  We put on Home Alone 2 while we did this, and then The Santa Clause.

On Sunday we went to one of our favourite traditions, Santa Brunch at the golf club.  (I was supposed to go to church first but my throat was scratchy so singing was out for me.)

Cozy table.

Digging into some sushi.

Hi Santa!

We finished up there and went right to the boys' music recital. Q played the theme from Avengers in piano.

And E did a duet with his teacher on guitar - Carol of the Bells and Jingle Bells.

The boys finished up their gingerbread houses that evening.

This is E's from a few different angles. 

And this is Q's.

We finished up our night with an episode of The Great British Baking Show. 


  1. What a fabulous weekend! The Home Alone is great...such a fun way to watch the movie. I hope to watch that movie this weekend. The gingerbread houses turned out great! LOVE the family photo was Santa...so perfect.
    I hope you all have wonderful Christmas!

  2. I love all your Christmas fun! I just asked Sam if he wanted to do a Home Alone night with me, and he was all in for the cheese pizza, Pepsi and sundaes, but " Can we please watch another movie instead of Home Alone?" Hmph!!
