Friday, July 10, 2015

Flashback Friday

I haven't done a Flashback Friday post in awhile, but I thought since it was Nunavut Day yesterday, I wanted to share my photos from my trip to Iqaluit in June 2008.  My friend Janna lived there for a few years working as an occupational therapist.  I decided to visit her after I moved to Toronto before I got a job.  I was so happy I got to experience the North, even if only for a few days.  I think about it often, and it gave me a bit of perspective about the North and the Inuit people.  These are photos from my Facebook album so some of you may have seen them before, but I hope you enjoy them again.

Yellow airport that you can see in the snow, and a polar bear on the airplane. 

The Legislative Assembly

Inuktitut translation.  The stop signs also had Inuktitut on them.

Bathroom Signs

Ice in the harbour in June

Mittens and touque needed when the sun isn't out

Fishing in Sylvia Grinnell Park.  We were unsuccessful in catching any Arctic Char.

The day before this (while I was walking around town by myself) a polar bear had come to this park. It had to be shot because apparently if they get that close to town, it's already too late.  We kept our eyes peeled for bears on this day but when we were the only people hanging around that area, we decided to leave too. We knew we could have outrun those other people, but we weren't going to take our chances with just the two of us.

View of Iqaluit on the way back from the park.

We climbed to the top of the hill (mountain) in town for this beautiful view!

Pretty Arctic flowers

Does this look familiar.  These are the true original Hudson's Bay Company buildings located in Apex.  We walked out here from Iqaluit and then back along the beach (I use the term beach loosely, it would be more like the shoreline).

Note that the ice had gone by the end of my visit.  

This is a special part of the world.  If you have a chance to visit, you should.  There are direct flights from Ottawa.  I was lucky enough to stay with a friend, but there are hotels and restaurants.  And apparently they are even brewing Starbucks coffee at the convenience store now!  

Linking up with AndreaErika, and Narci for Friday Favourites since one of my favourite things is talking about trips I've taken and showing off parts of Canada!

Happy Friday!


  1. Good to see these photos of a special place in Canada. Happy Nunavut Day! (Belated)

  2. This is so cool! What an amazing experience to get to see a part of Canada few of us ever get to. Glad you managed to avoid the polar bears.
