As a continuing series of Wednesday posts, I will tell you about why I do certain things. The first one is why I go to church. This was part of the sermon on Sunday and it got me thinking so I thought it would be a good place to start.
Our church is the United Church of Canada, it has been around for almost 100 years and resulted from the merger of the Methodists, Presbyterians, and Congregational churches. We believe in the bible and the teachings of Jesus, but we are very relaxed in how people practice their beliefs.
The thing I love most about our church is the music. We have a very talented choir with soloists and choir director, and we are get to hear live instrumental music on a regular basis from visiting musicians. The lyrics and tune of the hymns will often stay with me for the entire week. Music is a comfort to me and it's just another way to enjoy God's word. E has joined the junior choir this year and I love to hear him sing.
I also want to raise E and Q with some faith background. Dave and I both grew up in the United Church and we agree that it is good practice to go to church as a kid. It is all well and good for someone to say that they want their children to make their own decisions about their beliefs and religion, but in my opinion, if I don't give them a foundation in something, like our church, then it will be difficult for them to ever choose that in the future. And even if the boys aren't absorbing all of the nuances of the church service, they are learning about sitting still and being quiet in a space. I have used "it's like church" for setting the standard of behaviour when attending other things so E will know he is supposed to stay in his place and whisper.
It is familiar and that can be comforting. The hymns and prayers are the ones I have known since I was little and I like that. I have been going to our local church for quite a few years and I like to see people I know each week.
There are so many causes and charities that I could support that sometimes I get overwhelmed. I like going to church and making our offering there each week because I know that the United Church does good work in the community and abroad so I feel comfortable giving to it.
Some people practice yoga or meditation as way to centre themselves; church is my way to reset and get centred back on God and the lessons in the bible. It is an opportunity to listen and intentionally pray. I always feel better after going to church and it sets me up to take on the week.
These are just some of the reasons I like to attend church on a fairly regular basis. You're always welcome to come with us!
I agree with you. Music for me is also a comfort and brings back memories of Dad singing tenor beside me when I was young and him playing the organ over the years. So enjoy singing and it makes me happy to hear E sing, too. So happy you enjoy going to church as a family. Being an affirming church is also another reason for me that our UC has a welcoming feeling.