Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Day in the Life

I usually try to do these posts a couple of times a year (you can check out past posts here). 

This was my day on Monday.  I set my alarm for 6:00 but then tried going back to sleep for another 15 minutes.  That didn't work however because I heard Q calling for me, so I just went in to see him. 

I got him up and picked out his clothes, got ready myself, and then we went downstairs.  I made this shake for my breakfast.  Q wanted eggs, pitas, and a banana.

Then I made coffee, made E's lunch, and cleaned up a few leftover dishes from the night before.  When E and Dave got up and came downstairs, Q asked for Dave to make him a shake (he didn't like the one I made).  

When I left for work and walked out the door I didn't have a hat or mittens with me, it was that warm out.  I got a seat on the subway and read my book.  (I don't know why this is upside down.)

This was my first day back in the office after being in Timmins last week so I had a few things to get organized.  But at 9:00 I took a break to register Q for Junior Kindergarten for September!  I also looked into soccer for E for the summer.  He needs to try out for the developmental league so I emailed about that.  

Then I worked on getting some documents together for Mexico and a litigation matter we are involved with.  I also put in my expense form and updated my legal department report for the week.

At lunch I went down to Indigo and Papyrus and browsed around.  I also bought some nylons.  Then I picked up my lunch at Kupfert and Kim and listened to Dax Shepherd's podcast with guest January Jones. 

I decided to eat at the food court instead of going back upstairs.  I ordered the Golden Curry bowl, it's so good!

Went back to work, put together a timeline for the litigation, met with my CFO, and listened to A Star is Born soundtrack.  Midway through the afternoon I went downstairs to Starbucks. I had a few gift cards and I wanted to get another reusable travel mug to leave at my office.  I usually get my afternoon coffee in my office but on those occasions when I want to get a Starbucks, I thought I should have a reusable mug.

New 11 step procedure for washing your hands, posted in the office washroom.

I left work shortly before 5:00 and got on the subway.  

When I got home Q and Dave were watching TV and E was playing on the ipad (Monday knocked everyone out!).  I made cauliflower mac and cheese for supper. 

After supper the kids had a bath, Dave did a Pelaton workout and I folded laundry.  Q is all snuggly in his towel after I carried him upstairs to bed.

I read two books to him and then it was lights out.  He actually went to bed fairly easily.  Meanwhile Dave was reading Harry Potter with E.

I then got changed for my pilates class and quickly worked on a blog post before heading out to my class. 

When I got home I showered and then got a snack and a glass of wine together.  Dave finished watching his space show and then we watched an episode of Mrs. Maisel. 


  1. Nice to see how your day was. Pretty mug! Infection control would be pleased to see the hand washing sign. Or actually if we did all the steps! Good reminder.

  2. I can't believe how much you get done in the evening! I find I've been coming home from work, getting supper made, and basically crashing. I'm soooo tired. yawn.
