Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Weekend Recap

 Lots of Halloween fun on the weekend.  The kids wore their costumes to school.  Both of their teachers posted pictures of the classes in their costumes which is great, I always like to see what everyone is wearing.

We carved our pumpkins on Thursday night so we could put them out on Friday night too.  We gets lots of people walking by our house so I wanted to show them off before Halloween even began.

It was a beautiful day on Saturday so we got outside mid-morning to rake some leaves.  

I did some jumping too.

I went and got some groceries and a Starbucks in the afternoon, and then we got ready for Halloween.  Our neighbourhood kids went around between 4:00 and 6:00 and picked up treats from a few houses who had set them out to pick up from a distance.  People got really creative and it was nice to be out even though it wasn't a traditional night of trick or treating. 

Our treat bags ready to be picked up.

Another Hulk!

One house had homemade toilet paper ghosts, you pulled the tab at the bottom and candy and confetti fell out.

We picked up candy from the steps.

From a clothesline.

And from the hedge.

A late afternoon Saturday Halloween was the best.  We had a few treats and then supper and were all done with the festivities before it got dark.

Sunday morning early movies and snuggles on the couch.

I put on the live stream of our church service on the TV downstairs and the kids sort of watched with me.  I am hoping for learning by osmosis.  E appreciated that "church" has blankets (and coffee) now!

Dave and E went golfing in the afternoon.  It was chilly but they still had fun.

Meanwhile I got our roast beef ready.  I took chopped rosemary and thyme, coarse salt, and pepper corns and smeared them over top along with some olive oil. I preheated the cast iron frying pan in the oven, and when it was hot, I put the meat down, and spread around the carrots, celery, onion, and garlic around it. It smelled so good!

I was consulting three different Jamie Oliver cookbooks but didn't really follow a specific recipe. 

It turned out really well, and although the Yorkshire puddings did not take shape, we all enjoyed the meal.

We closed out the evening with an early bedtime for Q and a few shows for the rest of us.


  1. That's a fun way to do trick or treating. We didn't feel great about going in our neighbourhood so we took advantage of the stores in our uptown which were offering trick or treating. It was a nice afternoon. And our kids weren't allowed to wear costumes at school so I have no pictures of them in costume.
