Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Weekend Recap

We had lots of outdoor time this weekend.  On Friday morning I took the kids to High Park.  I wanted to see if any cherry blossoms had started blooming, and there were a couple but the park wasn't closed to cars yet so we got to park and walk around for a bit. 

Can you spot anyone in the forsythia bush below?

It was so cold I brought along some hot water to make hot chocolate and apple cider.

Then we walked through the woods to get up to the playground.

E and Dave went golfing after lunch (first and only round before golf courses were shut down).  Q watched a few movies while I worked beside him on the couch.  Then he wanted to wait outside for Dave and E to get home.

On Saturday morning I got up to do a Peloton ride.  Then I watched Prince Philip's funeral. I like the Royal Family and I like funerals so I really enjoyed the service and everything else around it.  After lunch we walked up the street to pick up a few things and also get our prize from the Bloor West Village Easter scavenger hunt we did a few weeks ago. 

Pretty flowers at Carload.

Cookie decorating kit, board game, and pizza gift card.

The kids then watched some TV while Dave watched baseball and I read my book.  A great relaxing afternoon.  We had steak for dinner.

On Sunday morning we packed up a bunch of outdoor toys and took them to the park.  We played baseball, golf, frisbee, soccer, and cars.  I walked over to the Golden Gecko (a café) for some sandwiches and then we headed home.

The kids played outside for the rest of the afternoon.  I did a bit of tidying up and picked up some coffee beans.  We had sausages on the BBQ for supper and then went out for a (cold) bike ride.


  1. So sorry that the golf courses were closed. Nice the boys got out for a game before that. Hope it won't be a long shutdown. That is great you could use the park for a sporty day. Let's hope it soon warms up and stays that way! Pretty flowers and sky photos! Love seeing the forsythia in bloom. Ours aren't out yet.

  2. Some year I want to come to Toronto to see the cherry blossoms but it clearly won't be this year. I'm sorry you're losing out on golf time -- it's so hard to have those few outdoor activities we can do closed off. Baseball diamonds are closed and it's just so frustrating...
