Friday, April 15, 2022

Friday Favourites

It's Easter weekend! Eester is my favourite holiday.  That said, I haven't been able to get any decorations out yet, but I suppose technically Easter season doesn't really start until Sunday so I have time!  If you want to attend a Good Friday and Easter Sunday church service, you can join our church via the YouTube channel (you can find information on the website).  We will be there in person on Sunday and I may stop by today, depending on how the day is going.

Parents are now allowed back inside the school for drop off and pick up from the YMCA.  It was kind of nice before where it was like a "kid valet", you drop your child at the door and they are delivered back out at the end of the day with all of their things, but I do like going inside now.  I walked by Q's classroom after dropping him off and found his portrait of me.  I was pleased to see he chose the adjective "intelligente" for me as I see others chose "belle" and "drole".  For reference, I'm including the photo that he used for inspiration for this drawing. 

Our Google Home display shows photos, and the kids love to look at them.  I like when it shows photos from 7 years ago of little E and Q won't believe that they are photos of E, he think they are of himself.  Anyway, Q made this tower and asked me to take a photo, and is now waiting at the Google Home for that photo to show up on the display.

Dave got some dirt delivered this week so he could start the grass seed process.  He put down a few wheelbarrows yesterday.  Q came out to check on the progress.

I didn't have any photos of E so I made him stop for one. 

Have a great weekend, we are looking forward to some great food and some outdoor time.  I'll be back on Tuesday. 

Linking up with Andrea and Erika.


  1. Love that portrait of you! Hope you have a wonderful Easter.

  2. Q definitely nailed it in that picture of you! And yes, that is the best adjective to describe you!!!
