Thursday, April 28, 2022

Monthly Musings


Linking up with Patty and Holly for today's Monthly Musings.

1. What trips/vacations do you have planned for the rest of the year?
We are going to Cape Breton in the summer but haven't actually booked our flights yet.  And we have three camping trips planned - Algonquin, Arrowhead, and Pinery.  That's it for now.  E requested Disney World for his birthday in October (isn't he presumptuous?!) but I don't think we'll be going there this year.  It was great fun in 2018 though!

2. Best packing tips?
I'm not actually a great packer, I feel like it takes me forever.  But what I do is put everything in one spot so I can see it and then talk (usually out loud) myself through the outfits for each day and the other things we'll need.  Unless we are going to a resort, then I don't worry too much about forgetting something.  I always say as long as you have your phone, credit card, and passport, you're good to go!

3. Packing cubes...yes or no?
No, never used them.

4. Favourite travel outfit?
Leggings or long skirt, loose t-shirt, sweater, scarf , and sneakers. 

5. Favourite travel destination and why? 
Europe.  It's pretty quick to get there.  There are so many unique cities to visit.  We have travelled to Italy, Switzerland, France, England, Ireland, Portugal, and Spain.

6. Have you flown since March 2020?
Yes. Timmins, Halifax, and Jamaica.

7. Beach or mountains for vacation?
We did have a very successful ski vacation to Quebec in March but I think the edge has to go to the beach for me. 

8. Do you prefer to sightsee or relax on vacation?
The best trips are ones that combine the two.  Mostly we are visiting a place because we want to see it and experience the location, people, food, sites, etc. but we do try to appreciate some downtime so we don't burn out.  That said, you're more likely to find us on the go when travelling, rather than sitting in our room.

9. Hotel, camping, or AirBnb?
All of the above, and again it depends on the trip.  We have stayed in AirBnbs in Spain and Portugal and those have worked out really well for us. We chose them based on cost and the fact we were staying for a few days and liked having the extra space.  We tent camp in Ontario but we don't have a trailer/camper so we wouldn't be camping while travelling.  Hotels are sometimes the only option and I do love housekeeping and a buffet breakfast. 

10. Overpacker? Underpacker?
Overpacker for sure.  I have been getting better at removing the four of five extra shirts I think I will need, but I always bring more than I need. 

Lima, Peru

Maui, Hawaii

Lake Placid, New York

Wawa, Northern Ontario


  1. Aaaahhhh, I love that Northern Ontario picture. And I really want to get to South America someday.

  2. You been to so man places- good for you!

  3. I'd love to get back to Quebec and really want to take my boys; I thought that was such a fun city to explore. We have only left the United States twice and both times were for Canada trips. I wish Europe was easier to get to; I'd love to explore all those old world cities.
