Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Not for me thanks

I took this blog post idea from Lauren.  She wrote about certain popular things that she just doesn't get.  I liked that idea and chose some of my own to write about. 

Trader Joe's - I don't live in the US so I've only ever been to Trader Joe's a couple of times, and only to look around.  But many bloggers post about their TJ hauls so I feel as though I understand what they have there.  Honestly, I don't get it.  Everything just seems like processed food with the TJ brand on it.  Even vegetables are already cut up and bagged, I just don't see the appeal.  Apparently Farm Boy is the Canadian version of Trader Joe's and rumour has it one will be put into the condo being built at the end of our street so in five years, I'll let you know if I've become a Farm Boy fan.

Hamilton (the musical, not the city southwest of Toronto) - I saw Hamilton in Chicago and I was bored.  I liked the first couple of songs and was very impressed with the cast but it was three hours of the same thing. The King was the only redeeming factor. 

The Greatest Showman - While we are on the topic of musicals, this is another one that did not do anything for me.  We started watching it and had to turn it off.  I know I don't have to like every movie I was just amazed at how much everyone else seemed to like it. 

Not wearing a hat (both in winter and summer) - Is the sun beating down? Yes? Then I need a hat.  Is it windy and at or below freezing temperatures? Yes? Then I need a hat.  I don't know how you bare headed people walk around. 

Scooters - To me, get your kid a bike or make them walk. Scooters get on my nerves, I have no good reason for this, just not for me. 

Apple Picking (or any kind of fruit/berry harvesting) - First of all, I don't want to pay to do the work of picking whatever it is, and second, I don't need that many of whatever it is we are picking.  I don't mind picking free blueberries in the wild (and they do make the best pie), but I'm not going to an orchard or field to pick anything else.  My preferred fall outing is just a hike somewhere to see the foliage.

Cotton Candy - My poor kids, I never let them get cotton candy. Luckily Dave is nicer and will let them get it sometimes. It's not anything, it just melts in your mouth and tastes sickly sweet.  Jim Gaffigan has a good bit about it being sugar insulation.  True.

Do you agree or am I just missing something about the appeal of these things?  What are some things that just aren't for you?


  1. I can not stand cotton candy; the texture, the taste.. just ick! I haven't shopped at a Trader joes in so long my oldest was in a stroller and he's 18 now. The only thing I really loved there was their hummus which was so creamy and loaded with flavor. We made it through about 5 minutes of Hamilton (streaming it on our TV at home during the pandemic) and I honestly was totally lost and had no idea what they were singing about or who they were and I had just expected it to be so much better after hearing so much about it.

  2. Trader Joe's is great, lol. And I loved The Greatest Showman too!

  3. I agree with you on Hamilton! I have a Mirvish subscription and Hamilton came with it a few years ago and this year. I plan to either sell my tickets for this year or get my money back from Mirvish. The only part I found interesting was the story of the women.

    I don't agree with you on scooters. I bought a Razor scooter when I was 21 after my trip to Japan. At that time, they were marketed for adults to use as transportation. I didn't see kids using them. I used it on my university campus because the campus was too small to ride a bike and take time locking it up but big enough that I had to rush between classes if I walked. The scooter was the perfect way to get around! Plus, I was the only one who had a scooter back then, so even the profs knew who I was. "

    My friend brought me back lots of yummy goodies from Trader Joe's and I know people who travel over the border to go there because they are celiac and have a much better selection of gluten free things than Canadian grocery stores. I haven't been there enough myself to comment.

    1. I'm sure you can sell those Hamilton tickets! Meanwhile I could watch Come From Away on repeat!

  4. I agree with you on so many of these! I really do not understand the appeal of Trader Joe's. It mainly looks like a bunch of weird snacks or stuff that is really intentionally trying very hard to be cool or niche. It's just processed food at the end of the day. I can't understand the obsession.

    I have very little patience for tv/movies and lose interest very easily so I haven't really seen Hamilton or The Greatest Showman, but generally when loads of people are on a bandwagon about something, I am wary.

    I can relate a bit more in the area of books, there are a lot of titles that have gotten a TON of hype lately whereas I have had to abandon them mid-read in favour of stuff that is better written and more compelling. I could not get through Where the Crawdads Sing, I felt it so overhyped and found the repeated emphasis on how beautiful the protagonist was, even though she did not know it, to be really annoying. I wasn't sold on the plot. Same with Malibu Rising, I found the characters to be very flat and the thin plot was not enough to compensate. I know I am in the minority on this given how much attention these books got but in my opinion these fell really short of the mark and there are so many other better-written books out there.

    1. Where the Crawdads Sing and American Dirt were okay reads but then I learned more about their authors and that has turned me off. Glad you agreed on TJs :)

  5. I love this. I also hate cotton candy. It's gross, and just gets everywhere. I have to kindly disagree about the scooters. We lived for 6 months in uni faculty housing at Spadina and Bloor, and as long as the sidewalks were reasonably clear, having a scooter for my 4 year old in preschool was a lifesaver for walking. He was so slow when we just walked (it was not that close) and I hated putting him in a stroller on a regular basis. We had left the bikes back in our home province (we drove to Toronto and could only take so much with 3 kids!). That scooter saved my sanity and allowed me to get home in time to welcome the other two home from their school, which was in the opposite direction of my preschooler. However, to each their own!

    1. If you can get your kid moving with a scooter, then I'm all for it. They never really seemed to be something we needed.

  6. Haha I loved reading this! We don't have a Trader Joe's here in Australia or anything like it. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who doesn't understand all the fuss about so much pre packaged food. I shudder every time I think about all the preservatives and additives in the ready to eat snacks and meals. I totally agree with you about Hamilton. My son got some tickets for us to go and see it last year. The show was cancelled because of covid and we were refunded our money. We ended up watching about half an hour of it on Disney plus and we were so bored!! I am so glad that we didn't end up going to see it live. I had a good laugh reading this "bare headed people" hahahaha!!
