Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Let's Look - Summer Schedule

Linking up with Let's Look today.  This month we are talking about our summer schedule.  We haven't quite entered summer yet, since our school year goes to the end of June, but we are getting there!

Even with the kids out of school, since Dave and I still have our full time jobs, and the kids do camps, there aren't a whole lot of changes to our schedule in the summer.  There are a couple of changes:

- The kids go to overnight camp at the start of the summer so that definitely changes our schedule.  No evening sports, no need to pick anyone up, and more flexibility for dinner time.  We like to use this time to go out for supper, golf, or hit up a Blue Jays game. 

- When they are back, Q goes to day camp each week.  E doesn't go to camp every week, but he will have a couple of golf camps.  Camps usually start at 9:00, which is the same time that school starts.  The kids will be able to get up at about the same time they get up during the school year.

- Camp ends at 4:00, which is earlier than we usually pick up Q from school, so that means leaving work a bit earlier than normal.  Traffic around this time of day is always crazy, so it means we need to leave in plenty of time for pick up.

- Our summer sports have already started so that all stays the same - most things start at 6:00 on weekdays and then various times throughout the weekend.   That means we don't eat a lot of our usual meals. We make quick pasta for the kids, protein shakes for us, something on the BBQ or take out.  

- For me, I will bike to work in the summer when I'm going into the office, and when I work from home I tend to spend the morning working outside in the backyard.  

- Dave fits in golf whenever he can.

- We visit the farmer's market on Wednesdays whenever we can 

Linking up with Shay and Erika.

1 comment:

  1. The wonderful thing about summer holidays is the flexibility, and for me, it's the 'no schedule' schedule. Kids' summer camps aren't really a thing over here. Some sport and recreation centres run camps, but they usually only last a week or two. Summer camps do sound like a fun experience, and I'm sure the kids must have a fantastic time.
