Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Weekend Recap


Last week the kids' school had "Spirit Week" and Friday was beach day.  The boys wore the shirts they got from Nana and Papa from their Caribbean cruise.  Q also wore his swimsuit. 

After school I took E to get his haircut. 

Then we went to High Park for Q's soccer.  The evening started out nicely but then the rain came down.  We got soaked on our way back to the subway.

When we got home and dried off, we settled in for the hockey game.  Go Oilers! 

On Saturday morning Q had an early morning t-ball practice and then we had a quick turnaround for E's baseball game. We managed to get this game in before the rain came.

Our neighbour stopped in to hang out and he ended up staying for supper.  

I made my favourite zucchini pasta. No one was oohing and ahhing as much as me, but they all cleaned their plates.

Dave arrived back home from PEI early on Sunday morning.  I was able to pick him up from the airport before needing to be at church for our last choir performance before summer. 

After church we went to E's guitar recital, he led off with Californication. I'm always so impressed with the students who get up and share their talent with us.  

We then went to Q's tball game. We didn't get any rain, but there were gusty winds and by the end of the day we were filthy, the ball field dirt kept blowing onto us.  

We ordered pizza for supper and watched the recorded F1 race, it was quite exciting even with Max taking the win as usual. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you guys had a lot of rain like we did! I was oohing and ahhing in my head as I read about your zucchini pasta, yum! I’ll have to try the recipe. I love the pics of Q watching his hockey team play, and congrats to E on his guitar recital!
