Friday, June 28, 2024

Friday Favourites


Happy Friday!  Summer is here, officially now that school is out. Although we have certainly been enjoying summer weather. 

Monday night called for chips and beer to watch Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals.  We were cheering for the Oilers and were disappointed they lost, but how great that they forced a Game 7!? It made for a very exciting series. Although I maintain, we should not be watching hockey this late in the year, let’s wrap this by end of May!

I am late to this party, but I finally ate a meal at Costco.  We went there on Wednesday after school and decided to grad a quick dinner there.  Two orders of chicken fingers and fries, a slice of pizza, and a pop for $17! And it was good.  The pop was 80 cents, I could not believe it. 

We left yesterday for camping so although today is technically the last day, yesterday was the boys’ last day.  Time for the requisite photo shoot.  Our first and last day photos used to be taken by our chalkboard wall in the kitchen and there was a light switch that acted as a benchmark for their height.  When we did our renovation, the chalkboard wall was painted over and we haven’t decided if we want to put it back. The light switch is gone too.  So we have gone outside instead. 

And some silly ones.

Looking good!

Dave found this big guy sitting by the side of the bunker on Wednesday night.  He just sat there. 

Have a great long weekend!

Linking up with Andrea and Erika.

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