Wednesday, June 26, 2024

What's Up Wednesday

What we're eating this week...
It's the last week of school and we're packing up for camp so dinners have been cobbled together with whatever we can find.  I did make the best zucchini pasta on Saturday!

What I'm reminiscing about...
Camping with the kids when they were little.  E started camping at 2 and Q when he was 8 months old or so.  We definitely had some long days and nights in those early years.

What I'm loving...
International soccer - the Euros and Copa America.  Toronto is such a multicultural city, everyone has their team they are cheering for.  

What I'm dreading...
Not too much, I will be instead trying to savour all of the parts of summer.  It will go by too quickly!

What we've been up to...
Lots of biking.  The kids bike to school everyday, I bike to work at least once a week, and we bike with the kids to various practice and games.  It's such a great way to get around. 

What I'm working on...
So many things at work, I have been swamped this month and can't seem to catch up. I'm hoping that next week when the kids are away and we don't need to go to any of their sports that I can get a few more things done. 

What I'm excited about...
The Union Station Summer Market is back.  I will try to get over there for lunch a couple of times since it's across the street from my office.  I love an outdoor lunch with live music. 

What I'm watching/reading...
We have been watching so many sports - hockey, baseball, and soccer - we haven't had a lot of time to watch TV.  I have so many things I want to see but no time.  I am excited for season 3 of The Bear!

I'm reading a Sally Hepworth book, they are usually pretty good.

What I'm listening to...
Inspired by E's guitar performance of Californication at his music recital on the weekend, I've been listening to some 90s alternative - lots of bangers on that playlist. 

What I'm wearing...
My summer staples - tank tops and shorts. 

What I'm doing this weekend...
Camping at Killbear Provincial Park and also dropping the kids off at overnight camp for two weeks.

What I'm looking forward to next month...
A possible trip to Mexico for work, Blue Jays, a t-ball tournament, and hopefully some golf.

What else is new...
I was happy to see Princess Catherine out for Trooping the Colour.  She looked thin but good.  It seems the Waleses are back. 

Linking up with Shay



  1. We actually don't know when we're going to our next Blue Jays game and I'm a little sad about it :( I totally get the feeling of needing some time to get all the work done. Enjoy camping and some kid-free time!!!

  2. That spaghetti looks so good and I am loving that throwback photo of the boys! We can't wait to start season 3 of The Bear tonight.

  3. It will be great to have lunch at the summer market, warm weather food and music-what a great combo! Yes, I was also surprised and happy to see the princess out at Trooping the Colour. She looks much better than she did on the video. Enjoy your family camping and I hope the kids have a wonderful two weeks.
