Let's get to it:
One of my favourite things is correct grammar (#nerdalert). Twice recently I have run into the misuse of an adjective when an adverb is required. So quick lesson for everyone - an adjective describes a noun, an adverb describes a verb. Most adverbs end in -ly. Therefore, to say "Dress warm" or "Think positive" is not correct. In these instances "dress" and "think" are verbs so they need to be described with adverbs and the correct phrases would then be "Dress warmly" and "Think positively". Know the difference and use them properly (properly because I'm describing the verb "use"). Thank you.
The NBA All-Star Weekend is coming to Toronto this weekend!! Now, I do not have tickets and will probably not even be going downtown but I'm still excited. Dave and I always enjoy the All-Star events and I know there will be a lot of focus on Toronto and its local offerings. If you're a basketball fan, tune in and see my city being showcased.
The food court at Square One (the mall in Mississauga near my office) has Chipotle so I usually go there, but recently I have been eating at Basil Box. I had it this week and it was delish.
We made Valentine's Day cookies for E's class party. I found the recipe here (we used strawberry jello instead of cherry but it still worked). They were very bright and I think more suited to children because of that, but they weren't bad.
This is the inside of one of our tulips, I didn't know it would have that touch of blue but so pretty.
Sometimes at work people ask me for our fax number (mostly real estate lawyers and doctors) and I wish my response could be:
(I love this especially because of Michael Scott)
I read Mix and Match Mama's blog on Wednesday and actually went to the store that day and bought one of the sweatshirts she had worn. It looked so cozy and different than a normal sweatshirt. I haven't worn it yet but I'm looking forward to the weekend! I borrowed this photo from her blog, I got the pink one.
I love this pillow, it will be in my life at some point.
Have a Happy Valentine's Day this weekend with your loves, whoever they may be.
See our decorations here.
Nice sweatshirt! I have found myself falling into that lazy way of speaking at times....just going along with the others I hear. I will try to do better as I do know how to speak correctly! Happy Valentine's Weekend to you, too!