Friday, February 19, 2016

Friday Favourites

Linking up with AndreaErika and Narci for Friday Favourites.

We had a short week and I can't believe I am writing this post already! 

Dave was out at some work dinners and conferences this week so E and I spent a lot of time together.  
On Tuesday we finally got some snow and we were able to go sledding after supper.  We tried to make a snowman first but the snow was too fluffy so instead E climbed into the sled and we went down to the corner where there is a nice hill.  We didn't stay too long but got a few good runs in.

On Wednesday night the spray foam insulations guys came in the morning and we wouldn't be allowed back into our house for 24 hours.  So after school and work on Wednesday we needed to go out for supper.  I was going to suggest McDonalds or Boston Pizza but E wanted Queen Margherita Pizza, he's fancy like that.  Since swimming was cancelled due to a fouling of the pool, we had lots of time to go here and we loved our meal.

Our plan was was to get up early and get E to school on Thursday (we were staying in Mississauga so it would have been about 40 minutes to get to school), but with E's cough we decided to keep him home. So instead, we got to hang out in a sunny cozy hotel room and watch TV and eat breakfast before E came to work with me for a bit and then we headed back home.  I love a hotel room!

By the way, the spray foam insulation looks great, if you're interested in that sort of thing!

And in case you missed, here are the lovely gifts I got from Dave for Valentines Day.  Love me some anthropologie!

A lot of shows started up again (or for the first time) last Sunday.  We are very excited about The Walking Dead and Vinyl.  This Week Tonight with John Oliver was also very good. 

Bobby Cannavale is one of my favourite actors.

Next Sunday, Girls starts again.  It may not be possible to record all of these shows.  Thank goodness for On Demand!

Happy Friday!

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